Statement from PC Finance Critic Lauren Stone on Ballooning Bureaucracy Under NDP

WINNIPEG — Midland MLA Lauren Stone, PC Critic for Finance, issued the following statement today in response to a recent report by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation showing that the Manitoba NDP hired nearly 2,000 new employees in their first year in office, at an annual cost of $113 million to taxpayers:

“Wab Kinew and his NDP are exploding the size of government, with no plan to pay for it and no results to show for it. Healthcare waits are longer, schools are underfunded and not getting built, crime is out of control, and life costs more.

“The only thing that the NDP are good at is bloated bureaucracy, paid for by higher taxes and racking up debt. Meanwhile our economy is weakening, investment is leaving, and job losses are piling up. The NDP are closing out competition and creating an economy where only the government grows while businesses and working families struggle to survive.

“The NDP have no plan to balance the budget, no plan to control spending, and no plan to deliver better services for Manitobans.

“Just more government, at your expense.”


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