Manitoba PCs Alarmed by NDP’s Sham Consultations on Drug Injection Site

WINNIPEG — Manitoba citizens worried about a drug injection site planned for the Point Douglas neighbourhood in downtown Winnipeg now have an outlet to voice their concerns after the NDP government’s so-called community “consultation” process has been exposed as a sham, Morden-Winkler MLA Carrie Hiebert, PC Critic for Housing, Addictions and Homelessness, and for Mental Health, announced today.

Concerned Manitobans, including Point Douglas residents, can email Hiebert directly at, where their concerns will be brought to government when the Legislature returns in March. The direct line was established after two consultation meetings last week failed to address community concerns.

“This is outrageous. Why are the NDP asking for community input if their minds are already made up?” said Hiebert. “These meetings were a sham. Concerned community members weren’t being listened to, their questions about children’s safety were not meaningfully addressed, and the NDP minister downplayed their fears about an increase in violence and crime in their neighbourhood.”

Rather than listening to local residents about their fears for the future of Point Douglas, minister Bernadette Smith, who is also the area MLA, proceeded to lecture residents on the supposed benefits of drug injection sites, and sell them on the proposal to locate such a facility across the street from a high school and within walking distance of a daycare in the community.

Hiebert said residents have valid concerns about safety surrounding the proposed site, and what specific measures—if any—will be in place to contain the additional crime, drug dealing, and violence that many residents worry will accompany the site.

“The NDP government has spent more time and money on this drug injection site than they have increasing capacity or opening new treatment beds for Manitobans struggling with their addictions,” said Hiebert. “Premier Wab Kinew and the NDP are more focused on opening these sites and keeping individuals suspended in addiction rather than investing in more detox beds and the medical staff needed to support them.”

The NDP government is obligated by the federal application process to conduct a thorough community consultation process prior to gaining approval. The results are supposed to be included in the federal application.

“It’s clear that these community ‘consultation’ meetings are only being held to check a box,” said Hiebert. “But the addictions minister isn’t interested in hearing about the real concerns from residents. Her only interest is opening the site whether they like it or not.”


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